Brooke Shields woke up in ambulance with Bradley Cooper

On September 7, 2023, while preparing at L'Artusi in New York City for her one-woman show, Previously Owned, Brooke Shields collapsed due to low sodium levels and excessive intake of water.

She recounted the incident for Glamour during her Women of the Year interview, calling the moment "surreal."

Brooke elaborated, "I was very lucky -- my husband wasn't there, my daughters were at school, and he [Bradley Cooper] was called and he was near." The A Star is Born director/star rushed to her rescue and accompanied Brooke in the ambulance on the way to the hospital.

She joked with Entertainment Tonight on the red carpet of the "Women of the Year" event on November 7, 2023, saying, "I'm okay but when I woke up in the ambulance and it was Bradley Cooper, I thought maybe I had died."

Brooke said that during the seizure, she was frothing at the mouth, turned "totally blue" and she was "trying to swallow" her tongue before everying "went black."

"The next thing I remember, I'm being loaded into an ambulance. I have oxygen on," she said. "And Bradley f**king Cooper is sitting next to me holding my hand."

Glamour reported that when Brooke's husband was called, an assistant reached out to another assistant, who called Bradley Cooper, who happened to be nearby. He and Brooke have known each other for several years, but she told Access Hollywood on the red carpet that he'd never held her hand.

Brooke told Glamour: "I thought to myself, 'This is what death must be like. You wake up and Bradley Cooper's going, 'I'm going to go to the hospital with you, Brooke,' and he's holding my hand. And I'm looking at my hand, I'm looking at Bradley Cooper's hand in my hand, and I'm like, 'This is odd and surreal.' I even thought about it and I was like, 'I didn't make it, did I?'" she said. "But it's okay. It's alright." ~Alexandra Heilbron