Terry Crews had therapy for porn addiction

Terry Crews was addicted to porn.

The Expendables 3 actor has made a series of emotional video posts on his Facebook account that he became obsessed with watching X-rated clips online and had to get therapy to treat his problem.

The 47-year-old dad-of-five has now beat his addiction and wants to warn others about the dangers of pornography on the Internet.

He said: "I have been getting a lot, a lot of messages and well wishes from people out there. It really, really messed up my life in a lot of ways. If day turns into night and you are still watching [porn], you probably got a problem. And that was me ... now it's become my battle to help other people who are going through the same thing."

Crews revealed his porn fixation initially began at the age of just 12, and it wasn't until "six/seven years ago" that he finally dealt with it.

He readily admits his compulsive behavior almost cost him his 26-year marriage to gospel singer Rebecca King.

He revealed: "My wife was literally like, 'I don't know you anymore. I'm out of here.' And that changed me. I had to change because I realized, yo, this thing is a major, major problem.

"I had the biggest sense of entitlement ever. I felt the world owed me something. I felt like my wife owed me sex. It's in the land of victimhood. You find ways to self-medicate, to act out with pornography when you feel like your needs aren't being met."

The ex-NFL linebacker - who lives in Michigan - has so much appreciation for the treatment he got in therapy, and insists it's completely change his life.

He stated: "I literally had to go to rehab for it. The thing that I found, by not telling people, it becomes more powerful, but when you tell, and when you put it out there in the open ... it loses its power.

"I didn't get help to get my wife back. I got help because I needed it. But she did decide to stay with me because she knew I was repenting, she knew I was going to get help, and she knew I was sorry. My wife had to go to therapy too, to deal with a lot of the psychological problems that come from it."

Crews now wants other men to take responsibility for their addiction to porn.

He added: "I'm calling on men to be more accountable. There's a lot of men out there blaming their wives for this."