A Piece of Sky

A Piece of Sky Movie Poster

Joanna (Séverine Caneele) is a convicted felon leading a painful and dehumanizing existence behind bars. Back at the factory where Joanna used to work, her old co-workers live similarly unforgiving lives. Led by union leader Claudine (Sofia Leboutte), the female factory workers strive for better compensation and conditions.

Ultimately, Claudine must decide whether to stand up for her incarcerated friend and risk compromising her reputation in the factory.

Director: Bénédicte Liénard
Producer(s): Jacques Bidou, Joseph Rouschop, Marianne Dumoulin, Donato Rotunno, Eddy Géradon-Luyckx
Cast: André Wilms, Yolande Moreau, Olivier Gourmet, Sofia Leboutte, Naima Hirèche, Annick Keusterman, Gaëlle Müller, Béatrice Spiga
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