Nine Lives - User Reviews

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3.64 / 5

User rating: 3.64

Based on 46 votes and 15 reviews

  • User rating: 3.64 36.36%
  • User rating: 3.64 27.27%
  • User rating: 3.64 18.18%
  • User rating: 3.64 0.00%
  • User rating: 3.64 18.18%

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User review rating: 3 June 15, 2017

Had some funny parts, though some were DEFINITELY not for children. Overall, not worth paying to see, but borrowing it from a library if you've got a few hours to kill is sorta worth it.

User review rating: 1 March 15, 2017

I honestly hoped spacey and walken were above this. I still taste the bile in my throat.

User review rating: 3 October 26, 2016

It was good and cute and everything, until the bad cgi of the cat ruined it for me.

User review rating: 5 September 07, 2016

Walken is perfect for the part. Love the cat, as I have a Mr. Fuzzypants, also. A good comedy, so much better than blood and gore movies.

User review rating: 5 August 26, 2016

It is a good family movie with values.. for a change. I intend to buy the dvd....If the critics dont like it. then I go to see it.

User review rating: 5 August 24, 2016

Excellent movie, heartwarming and fun to watch. Touching and well done. Loved Christopher Walken as the pet store owner. Hope it is released on Blu-ray.

User review rating: 5 August 19, 2016

Great movie for young and old alike. Middle age adults, senior citizens, and kids will love the antics of the cat, and everyone needs to hear the message: "Love is not saying the words; it's sacrifice." Loved it!

User review rating: 3 August 17, 2016

I expected better from Spacey

User review rating: 4 August 16, 2016

Funny and amusing Mr. Fuzzy Pants antics.

User review rating: 4 August 14, 2016

Forget what the critics said. This is a heartwarming and funny movie. The three of us-all different ages-enjoyed it very much.

User review rating: 4 August 13, 2016

Great movie, with a lot of funny parts.

User review rating: 4 August 12, 2016

this has to be the funniest movie in a long time!! hoping it will go to dvd.

User review rating: 5 August 12, 2016

Had so much fun watching it. Mr. Fuzzy Pants was hilarious! Really enjoyed it.

User review rating: 4 August 07, 2016

it was a great movie about life treat your family well

User review rating: 5 August 05, 2016

A really cute family film with adult humour and a strong moral message.

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