The Passion of the Christ - User Reviews

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4.73 / 5

User rating: 4.73

Based on 181552 votes and 876 reviews

  • User rating: 4.73 92.62%
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  • User rating: 4.73 0.13%
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  • User rating: 4.73 6.37%

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User review rating: 0 March 08, 2004

Epic in inspiration

User review rating: 0 March 08, 2004

The movie gave me some insight into the horrors that Christ faced -- and a better appreciation of His sacrifice for us. The gentleman who played Christ and the woman who played Mary were very good. Unfortunately, I had a hard time finding many of the other characters believable.

User review rating: 0 March 08, 2004

I`ll listen to those who say this film is anti-Semitic when I hear those same people say that "Schindler`s List" is anti-German!

User review rating: 0 March 08, 2004

A powerful movie, not anti-semetic in anyway (it did show that a Jew helped Christ carry his cross etc.) Jews was fairly represented. The movie was a little gory, but one has to remember that Jesus actually went through all that suffering for us. Beyond the violence, one should see the passion he had for us and his determination to save us. You rock Mel.

User review rating: 0 March 08, 2004

I just read another review of this movie where the viewer was "disgusted" at how commercial the movie was????????I don`t get it. I am only moderately educated on the scriptures of the bible however I went and seen the movie with my wife and best friend of who`m has devoted his entire life to studying the scriptures and we spent the next few hr`s discussing how accurately written this movie was and how even the scenes I thought were hollywood were actually from the bible (Jesus stomping on the snake for instance),People...stop reading reviews on this movie as it is unreviewable but simply an experience you have witness first hand, cough up th

User review rating: 0 March 07, 2004

the best film ever made

User review rating: 0 March 07, 2004

very well directed...for those who appreciate the sacrifice made by god and jesus..this movie is a must see...

User review rating: 0 March 07, 2004

I have never been in a movie where I honestly could feel the agony of Mary`s heart, without her even speaking a word. I could read almost everything in her heart through her eyes. It has to be God Inspired. My heart truly wanted to weap out loud. I want to buy it on video so I can watch it by myself and cre as loud as I want to.

User review rating: 0 March 07, 2004

This movie was the best movie about our Lord, yet. In fact I think it was the best movie I have ever seen. It was graphic, but very moving. Jesus loved us so much that he gave up his own life for us. When we sin we a taking part in his death. I was truly touched by this work of art. I cried so much even more than my parents. After watching this movie I feel much closer to Jesus. Than you Mel Gibson for this life changing experience!!!!

User review rating: 0 March 07, 2004

This movie was the best movie about our Lord, yet. In fact I think it was the best movie I have ever seen. It was graphic, but very moving. Jesus loved us so much that he gave up his own life for us. When we sin we a taking part in his death. I was truly touched by this work of art. I cried so much even more than my parents. After watching this movie I feel much closer to Jesus. Than you Ael Gibson for this life changing experience!!!!

User review rating: 0 March 07, 2004

The most powerful movie I`ve seen.

User review rating: 0 March 07, 2004

Words can`t describe how good this movie is. I would of watched it if It costed $100. I`ve been a christian all my life I`ve watched some really good christian movies and I got to say this one was the best. I think this movie is even better than BEN-HUR, The Ten Commmandments and Left Behind:THE MOVIE. Thank you Mel Gibson

User review rating: 0 March 07, 2004

People`s view on antisemitism are not founded in this movie or witness of the crusifiction of christ. I cried in this movie for Jesus being persucuted not by one but by all of us and shed His blood for our sake. This is a movie which has humbled and has made me more aware that one day we all can be with Christ if we only follow his commandments and love one another.Glory be to God.

User review rating: 0 March 07, 2004

When I left the theatre I didn`t feel good. I felt like I was blammed for something I didn`t do. I also felt the movie was too violent and that was not needed just to portray Jesuss last 12 hours of life.

User review rating: 0 March 07, 2004

i cried .it touched my heart and opened up my mind to the world and its past. this movie was excellent...

User review rating: 0 March 07, 2004

It was far too violent. I gues Mel Gibson will have to answer to God for this version.

User review rating: 0 March 07, 2004

This movie is an experience, a meditation. You are there in time and no believer in Jesus can leave the theatre without being profoundly affected in one way or another. Thanks to Mel for bringing to screen a vision of the sufferings of our Saviour. May it bring many to embrace Him as their Lord and God.

User review rating: 0 March 07, 2004

The graphic depiction of Christ`s voluntary suffering is awe inspiring, gut wrenching, and life changing. The emotional and mental turmoil both within Christ and amongst the accusers and defenders was so well depicted that I could feel the battle in my own heart. The symbolic representation of Satan, was absolutely necessary to show that Satan was defeated and Christ was victorious-- that the power of Christ has crushed Satan under His feet. This is a movie that I will see again, whenever I feel my faith growing old, though I pray that it won`t be necessary. May I never again take for granted the suffering that Christ experienced all for

User review rating: 0 March 07, 2004

Unbelievable! Best movie I have ever seen!!! Worth seeing more than once!

User review rating: 0 March 07, 2004

I thought the movie was very incredible as i am a 13 year old. I thought the message was very clear and could see how much Jesus suffered for to have a chance to go to heaven. He cared for us and it really showed me god loves us all and that he would do something as that for us. I would recommend the movie to all.

User review rating: 0 March 07, 2004

Incredibly disturbing as it should be! I have known the story of Christ all through my life and nothing has brought it home like this movie. When I say brought it home, I mean to my heart. This is more than the best production I have ever seen, there is other work being done here. The entire theatre was full and yet there was no talking through the movie or when the movie ended, NONE. People exited this movie in thoughtful silence with a respect I have never seen. There was no pushing, no hurrying and no one yelled out to find someone in the darkness. This is a movie you need to digest for a long time afterwards. I am so glad I saw it and

User review rating: 0 March 07, 2004

For those who came out complaining .... "oh, it`s too gory" .... had you read the book first? It would have been impossible to make this story both real and "pretty". I liked the passion for detail, the passion for grit and the passion for the story. It`s a great film.

User review rating: 0 March 07, 2004

I thought the movie was very heartbreaking. I cried a lot THROUGHOUT the movie because,there was so muuch blood shed and tears. Plus it was very spiritual.i LOVED IT A LOT.

User review rating: 0 March 07, 2004

I was shaken to the very core of my being. I wept profusely for more than half the film. I felt like I was there, forced to go the painful journey with Christ. I have never had such an experience from a film. This movie is the best piece of art that I have ever seen.

User review rating: 0 March 07, 2004

This movie only shows me what I already know. No matter how graphic it portrays Jesus` last few hours on this earth a crucafiction can never be pleasant. This movie was tasteful and I think an excellent job was done by the cast and crew of this movie. What an enlightenment:)

User review rating: 0 March 07, 2004

Disturbing, graphic and quite painful. Good acting, costume design and scenery. Mel Gibson took a risk directing this film and did well. He should receive recognition for this piece of work. A lot of historic research was done. Especially when he focused closely on the chastizing, stations of the cross and crucifiction. Not much of a story however, just what happened in the last few hours before Jesus`s death. Flashbacks were helpful to relieve horrible scenes. If you`re Roman Catholic, sensitive and don`t appreciate gory violence, I don`t recommend it. You WILL shed tears. Anyone under the age of 18 should NOT see it. Overall rat

User review rating: 0 March 07, 2004

This was the best movie I have ever seen. Not only was the movie true to life but the acting was awesome. Many people say that this movie is anti-semetic. All I have to say is that it shows the truth...BUT... it wasn`t just the Jews who killed Jesus, but everyone of us who has sinned has scourged Him and hammered the nails deeper. Too gory? Go see Hannibal or the Chainsaw Massacre if you want Hollywood gore. People are saying this because they don`t want to think about what Jesus went through for THEM.

User review rating: 0 March 06, 2004

this is a great movie its soo good i totally recommend it!!!

User review rating: 0 March 06, 2004


User review rating: 0 March 06, 2004

the best movie ever made

User review rating: 0 March 06, 2004

There is a place in heaven for you Mel Gibson. Thank you is not enough to say to a man who has brought faith, love, hope back into my life. Many, many people will be grateful to you for opening their eyes. Your vision and courage in bringing us this most fantastic film that will live in history is so appreciated by me and looking at the reviews - by so many others. GOD BLESS YOU MEL!

User review rating: 0 March 06, 2004


User review rating: 0 March 06, 2004

Most compelling and powerful movie ever!

User review rating: 0 March 06, 2004

Absolutely AMAZING. The movie perfectly portrays reality of the cricifiction of Christ. Sobbed throughout the whole movie because you feel a part of it. Yes it is greusome..But it perfectly displys what truly happened. Mel Gibson is a genious for producing this movie. Bringing the Bible to life.

User review rating: 0 March 06, 2004

excellent depiction of christ`s suffering.opens your eyes to the reality of the event. i hate to offer any criticism but when i have to read text at the bottom of the screen then my focus on the characters is lessened. still a great film. hope that it will lead people to rethink any hateful tendencies towards others.

User review rating: 0 March 06, 2004

its good

User review rating: 0 March 06, 2004

This movie was the most accurate portrail of the last 12 hours of the life of Christ that I have ever seen. It wasn`t glossed over like so many of the films I have seen concerning His life. My arms and hands were literally shaking about half way through. I felt that the brutality in the film served a purpose just as it did in "Saving Private Ryan" and "Shindler`s List." I would certainly reccommend this film to EVERYONE! It is my hope that Mel Gibson doesn`t stop with this wonderful film. The end of "The Passion" gave everyone a veiw of our hope as christians who know Him as our personal Savior. Now Mel needs to go on and, if I may

User review rating: 0 March 06, 2004

wonderful movie, a precise portrayal of the passion of the Christ

User review rating: 0 March 06, 2004

I thought Passion of the Christ was a terrible movie. It was extremely gory. There was no need to make a 2 hr. movie of Jesus` life 2 hrs. of blood. I also thought it was extremely anti-semetic. Mel Gibson did a terrible job at accurately portraying the last 12 hours of Jesus` life.

User review rating: 0 March 06, 2004

one of the alltime best,anycategory

User review rating: 0 March 06, 2004

A very moving portrayal of the crucifixion. Truly amazing.

User review rating: 0 March 06, 2004

A complete breath-taking achievement. I left speachless after seeing one of the most powerful movies ever made. With tears and a smile, I left changed. It truly portrays the sacrifice for ALL, in a raw, fresh, and moving way.

User review rating: 0 March 06, 2004

I`m glad there was such controversy around this film...more people will see it and God`s message will spread to more people! I am so much more appreciative of what God did for me now. I`ve always been thankful that he died for me but now I feel like I have a better understanding of what he really might have went thru. Then at the end when he is perfect and whole lets me know what it will be like for me when I reach heaven. Thank you Mel for sending this to millions of people.

User review rating: 0 March 06, 2004

I think The Passion of The Christ is the best movie ever in the whole world people who say it is gory or to violent e.t.c. do not want to learn the true meaning of the movie they just want to keep on talking for there own benefit. i am 13 and i can even assure you that whatever things these people say about the movie being anti-semenic is not true at all. this movie was made to show people what Jesus whent through for nearly his whole life and how he was struggling every step of the way, that he whent through this torture for us so that our sins will be cleansed but from what i can see that is going on in the world it`s like everyone has forg

User review rating: 0 March 06, 2004

a very powerful movie

User review rating: 0 March 06, 2004

This movie is undescribeable....just breath taking! Very well done and very accurate to the true life of Jesus. It is a very emotional movie and it makes you wonder why are there still people on this earth who dwell on hatred and anger and killing..when someone like Jesus gave up his life for us,for them. It`s pretty sad that regardless of what happened in the past people don`t get the message of LOVE..Love for those you love and forgiveness for those who do you wrong. Well Done Mel!! A truly touching movie!!

User review rating: 0 March 06, 2004

Someone has finally done it the way the bible explains it!!

User review rating: 0 March 06, 2004 changing...God bless Mel, and bless the movie...JESUS I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

User review rating: 0 March 05, 2004

It is a very well made movie. I think I came away shocked that the people that God put on this Earth could be so cruel to another person. I think we have it bad today but I would never want to have lived in Jesus` time, with the cruelty of his time. I hope and pray to God that if Jesus ever came back in our time that we would never act the way those people did then. I know he died to save us from our sins, but did we really deserve to be saved?

User review rating: 0 March 05, 2004

wow. just amazing.

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