The Passion of the Christ - User Reviews

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4.73 / 5

User rating: 4.73

Based on 181552 votes and 876 reviews

  • User rating: 4.73 92.62%
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  • User rating: 4.73 0.13%
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  • User rating: 4.73 6.37%

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User review rating: 0 March 05, 2004

Not anti-semitic, unless you missed the entire point of the film. The Pharisee`s do not represent the Jewish people -- they represent all and any power and authority that feels threatened. The movie`s overwhelming message tells of the love that is required for someone to allow themselves to be put through the undescribable torture that Jesus went through. If you believe He is the Son of God, then the point is a humbling experience of extreme and undeserved love by a God that loves so much that He, the Eternal and the Creator would step into time to live as His creation, and ultimately to suffer and die at the hands of His creation. If you

User review rating: 0 March 05, 2004

I thought it was thought provoking without pointing fingers at any particular group of people. It did not answer any questions but left you with many, which is what a film should do. I think Mr. Gibson was brave to take it on, but no less than I would expect from him. He has film integrity.

User review rating: 0 March 05, 2004

Extremely gory/bloody/pathetic movie. After braveheart and the patriot, Mel Gibson just seems to wonder if all this flesh ripping/torchering will get him another hit. Nasty movie, a piece of flesh of human being sliced. BAD! Not suitable for young or adults.

User review rating: 0 March 05, 2004

This is the best movie I have ever seen. It is such an amazing religious experience. It was so moving, to see what Jesus did for all mankind. I think the amount of violence is appropriate to express exactly how much Jesus suffered. I recommend this movie!!

User review rating: 0 March 05, 2004

Anti-semetic? Give me a break already. Are you people going to argue with the historical record and the Bible? Why don`t you shut up until you have your facts straight. Quit slandering Mel and Christianity. Also, anyone who does not believe Christ was the Son of God will not get this movie at all, okay?. It WILL seem like nothing more than a drawn out torturefest precisely because of their unbelief. Too graphic? You obviously don`t know much about the facts of crucifixion then-it was actually worse! Finally a movie with substance and subject matter that actually means something! Critics should shut up and let those of us who believe in Him en

User review rating: 0 March 05, 2004

It`s the best film on Christ ever released.

User review rating: 0 March 05, 2004

I am deeply touched by this movie and think God is sending us a clear massege to remind us of his love and care ,we are not alone on earth God used everybody in this movie to bring us back to his caring love.

User review rating: 0 March 05, 2004

It`s an amazing movie way beyond my expectations. Thank God, there is Mel Gibson !!!

User review rating: 0 March 05, 2004

truly a phenominal movie, one of the best ive ever seen. So depressing yet truly inspirational.

User review rating: 0 March 05, 2004

At last someone portrayed Christ close to what He really must have looked like physically. He was a carpenter. A skilled labourer. He was a muscular man because of His trade. He was not sickly or weak looking at all. Thank-you Mel Gibson for staying close to the biblical accounts of the cross and Christ`s suffering. But let`s not forget that after the cross comes the real victory - The Resurection.

User review rating: 0 March 05, 2004

I pray that God will bless everyone who sees this movie. For me, the Bible is fact - God`s Holy Word. I am grateful that someone has had the courage to bring a literal interpretation of the Word to the screen and I hope others will follow in Mel`s footsteps. If they do I will be there to support them.

User review rating: 0 March 05, 2004

the theme " passion of the christ" was well expressed throughout the movie, although viewers may not quite understand why Jesus has to do this. also, the acting part of this movie is really strong that audience still can get the message without understanding a word in the movie. since this movie uses 3 different languages, it`s challenging to tell the storying without using a language that most people are familiar with.

User review rating: 0 March 05, 2004

Brilliant coup for Mel Gibson! Artistically done. Amazing visual evocation of the time period represented. Stays close to biblical gospels. Very moving with gifted performances. Use of Aramaic and Latin wise choice. For those who think the film is anti-any group, they have missed the point of the film. Bravo Mel.

User review rating: 0 March 05, 2004

It touched my soul like no other movie ever did in my life. It is a complete success. The message is clear and it hits you like a ton of bricks. You can`t turn away from the truth. It changed my life. exquisitely well made.

User review rating: 0 March 05, 2004

i saw the movie and i left the theater not saying a word. i could not think of anything but the love one man had and still has for each and every one of us. this movie didn`t make me hate jews. after leaving the movie and from now on i don`t think i can hate anyone. jesus was dieing and he asked GOD to forgive the people how were doing this to him. that is the real message of this movie LOVE. to LOVE erveryone as you love yourself. that is what people don`t understand. how can you love someone how doesn`t love you? jesus says in the movie just to love thoses how love you is not enough. you must love everyone as you love yourself. if you only

User review rating: 0 March 05, 2004

The Passion Of The Christ, is the most moving, and truly incridilbe movie about Christ`s suffering that I have ever seen. This movie changed me. Since seeing it I have become closer to God. I loved the movie.

User review rating: 0 March 05, 2004

This is the best moveie ever. As a Christian, knowing what Christ went throught on the cross, how much of his blood was shed for our sins have change the way I view alot of things including my relationship with Jesus, and with people in general.

User review rating: 0 March 04, 2004

It was so misterious and full of passion!

User review rating: 0 March 04, 2004

the best movie ever made

User review rating: 0 March 04, 2004

Fantastic, Life Changing

User review rating: 0 March 04, 2004

It was the most moving and powerful film I have ever seen. Kuddos to Mel for having the courage to make this picture. Thank you and God bless

User review rating: 0 March 04, 2004

it was a beautiful movie and very emotional, i have never seen a movie that has touch me so much like this one i went to go see it twice and even if i went 10 times i would not get bored! people say this and that about the movie they critize it because they see the suffering of jesus our savior that died for our sins! how come when we see a movie of sylvester stallon or any other kind of movie of action it has so muc hviolence and they do not critasize it??? read the bible people and find your answers there and see how much christ suffered for us and you will see that the movie is not a wast to go see! if mel gibson did this movie it wasnt fo

User review rating: 0 March 04, 2004

I was very moved. For me --- the film brought to the fore the reality that our dear Lord suffered tremendously...and that the path He walked on was stained with His blood. I found it a wonderful aid to contemplating His passion. I will now never be able to do this without seeing in my mind`s eye the horrific suffering He actually went through. I will now never be able to see His pain without knowing that He entered into it in humility and obedience ... despite the great fear and aversion He had to the suffering He knew He would have to undergo. I will now never be able to look at His suffering and not see evil constantly at His elbow - ca

User review rating: 0 March 04, 2004

its touching..i like the end the best when he says it is over.. thats a new beginning for us people..and i think the world should know it..the best way to show what Jesus went through is by theatre

User review rating: 0 March 04, 2004

I went to the movie not for the fact that I`m Catholic but, to see the portrayl of a man called Jesus Christ and how the producer put it all together based on information gathered from who knows where. I could not believe how one man was able to take such a harsh beating and still be able to walk. Even in those days, if Jesus was in fact a man, how could he take such a beating before he was delivered to a Father? I left very confused and hurt, thinking that in today`s world Man has not really changed since Christ was cruisfied for Mans sins. So it left me thinking, how can this story be true when Man has not really changed because of Jesus Ch

User review rating: 0 March 04, 2004

Beautiful and memorible

User review rating: 0 March 04, 2004


User review rating: 0 March 04, 2004

What would the world be like now, if the judicial system they had there then, was in place here and now?

User review rating: 0 March 04, 2004

I loved dramatic...and for the people who say its too bloody and stuff...this is how it happend so accept it..Jesus went through all that and maybe even get over the gore and happened and we better be greatful for it, because he did die for us, to save us.. great Job MEL...God chose you to make this movie as realistic as possible! thanx

User review rating: 0 March 04, 2004

The worst Biblical movie ever. They couldnt even cast a Jesus that could lose enough wieght or colour his hair. Too much gore, and not the way the Bible portrays the story. Mel Gibson, too thumbs down, there will be no internal salvation for you. Your a disgrace to your faith.

User review rating: 0 March 03, 2004

This is a very-moving and deeply heartfeld true account of the Passion of Christ I came away with a deep appreciation of how much our Lord loves each and every one of us that he willingly offered Himself up for us as a living sacrifice enduring most profound pain for our salvation. No greater love hath a man than to give up his life for another. He gave it up for every single one of us that ever lived or will ever live.

User review rating: 0 March 03, 2004

I am presently unemployed and I am trying to save the little pennies that I have,however I have seen the movie twice at matinee shows which is cheaper than nite shows. I am very impressed with the movie I cannot say that I enjoyed the movie simply because I feel that it is not a movie to be enjoyed but to portray the suffering of Jesus and His Mother for the redemption of the world`s sins. I would liked to have seen Jesus talking to the wailing women and I would liked to have seen The Sacred Shoulder Wound of Jesus which was unknown to man at the time as it was an unrecorded suffering on the Way Of Sorrows,it was revealed to St Bernard

User review rating: 0 March 03, 2004

Excellent movie!!! However, the personified devil disguised as a woman seemed out of place. But as a whole, very moving and very emotional. The packed theater where we saw it was unusually quiet and even more so as they made their way out when the movie ended. I hope this will jumpstart a trend of inspirational, true-to-life movies that will move people to change for the better. I know it`s wishful thinking but I can hope, can`t I? More power to the producers!!

User review rating: 0 March 03, 2004

This film is extremly anti-semetic and portrays jews as vicious individuals responsible for the death of jesus. I advise against seeing this film because it will give you a false notion of what REALLY happened. Im also afraid that this movie will spark new anti-semetic thooughts towards jews, who have already received enough hate from the world

User review rating: 0 March 03, 2004

THIS WAS DE BEST MOVIE EVA!! a 14 year old....watchin this changed ma entire life...I CRIED IN DE ENTIRE MOVIE...not because it was sad...but cuz of wat jesus died for...OUR it!!

User review rating: 0 March 03, 2004

The movie is a masterpiece. Every adult on the planet should see it. It is not just a movie it is an event. It transends it`s medium. I`ve seen the movie two times and each time men and women were weeping throughout the movie [almost as many as IN the movie!]. I have NEVER seen that before.

User review rating: 0 March 03, 2004

Amazing accuracy... I`ve never seen so many people crying

User review rating: 0 March 03, 2004

I`m not a religious person but I really loved this movie. It`s was so real and true to the real story.

User review rating: 0 March 03, 2004

I was bursting in tears throughout the movie!

User review rating: 0 March 03, 2004

A must see. life changing...

User review rating: 0 March 03, 2004

I am a devout Catholic. Thank you for reminding me of what He did for us -- thank you for reminding me of the true significance of The Cross -- of His Love.

User review rating: 0 March 03, 2004

Quote from the movie.. Jesus: Mother, see your son makes all things new. Yea, a heart-brokening movie, but spirit-reviving

User review rating: 0 March 03, 2004

It was incredible. I left the theater with tears pouring from my eyes.

User review rating: 0 March 03, 2004

Such a fantastic movie. I do hope next Academy awards it will win big time. Everything about that movie was amazing..................Great job Mel.

User review rating: 0 March 03, 2004

It is an eye opening experience not only into how much a person can endure in the name of love but also into the cruelty of some human beings. Certain individuals defenitely seem to have no compassion......... Why?It is a movie that certainly gets you thinking. Difficult to watch at times but defenitely gets the point across. So far I have seen it twice and plan on buying it once it will be available.

User review rating: 0 March 03, 2004

I walked away from this movie not entertained, but a changed man. Finally a movie that actually helped me to want to be a better person. E.K.

User review rating: 0 March 03, 2004

Like 1 billion other muslims I do not beleive that jesus was crucified. According to the koran he was saved. REGARDLESS it was an excellent movie and portrayal of a fictional event. For those who say it is anti-semetic....try to become enlightened. It seem that ANY comment, artwork, political action or movie which in anyway criticizes jews is anti-semetic these days. To carry this to the logical conclusion would then imply that jews are perfect or incapable of any crime! ( If they do commit a crime it would be anti-semetic ). This movie in the view of the bible was FACT. IF you say it is anti-semetic you are saying the bible and hence ALL chr

User review rating: 0 March 03, 2004

The film`s message in it`s simplist form is about a man being killed for his beliefs and the way he lived his life. Not unlike many who are are persecuted today for the way the live their lives. The maessage is LOVE ONE ANOTHER! no matter what.Will see it again!

User review rating: 0 March 03, 2004

WOW!WOW!WOW! What more can I say.....truly Amazing movie. God Bless Mel Gibson for having the passion to make it. Maybe it`s just me but the violence did not bother me as much every one made it out to be. There are a lot of far more violent movies out there. The only diff is that this was a real person who made the ultimate sacrifice. I hope this film cleans up with more than 11 Oscars next year.

User review rating: 0 March 03, 2004

this movie is truly touching, i literally left the movie theatre shaking!! I totally recommend this flim to anyone, its a great version of what happened to Christ in his final hours. However, i do feel that a warning is in need. It is INCREADIBLY graphic, and excesivally violent...but with that said, it is truly one of the BEST films of this year!!!

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